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Get to know us

As a registered charity, the Fideliter Trust wants to ensure that the Woodridge experience lives on and is accessible to children and young people of all backgrounds. We aim to raise funds to support:


  • Woodridge College and Preparatory School fund bursaries to young people who would not usually be able to afford the fees​

  • The development and maintenance of the school for the benefit of the wider community.


​Woodridge College and Preparatory School is more than a school; its and experience. It is a place where children and young people are nurtured individually to bring out their best so that they can positively contribute to wider society. The school strives to produce innovative problem-solvers who develop into inspirational young adults through experiential learning and an extensive sporting, cultural, and outdoor educational curriculum. As a result, a solid foundation is laid, creating a lifelong learning mindset in a healthy environment.


The school is situated in one of the poorest areas of South Africa and with the support of Fideliter Trust aims to uplift the community within which it operates.


Our plans

We are on an exciting journey as we continue to develop the charity to best support it's charitable objectives and we would like you to be part of the journey. Please reach out to us to find out how you can support


Our connection to the Woodridge Foundation

Fideliter Trust works closely with the Woodridge Foundation. Our aims and objectives are aligned to ensure that Woodridge College and Preparatory School and the surrounding community benefit from all the work and fundraising we do.

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