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Privacy policy

We collect and use personal data to manage our relationships with our supporters. This allows us to operate and fundraise more efficiently and effectively to ultimately help us reach our goals.


Please read this Privacy Notice carefully, along with our website terms and conditions and any other documents referred to, to understand how we collect, use, and store your personal information.


1. Who we are


Fideliter Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (registered at Companies House under Company Number CE032159) and registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales (Charity Number 1202930)


2. Where do we collect data from?


  • Information you give us

Fideliter Trust may obtain personal information from you when, for example, you complete an online form to participate on a programme, register with us for a mailing list, apply to become a volunteer, take part in an event or make a donation.


  • Information from Third Parties

We may also receive information about you from independent third parties, such as fundraising sites like JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving or event organisers such as the London Marathon. We will only receive information from third parties in this way if you have given your consent for your information to be passed on to us. You should check their Privacy Notice when you provide your information to understand how they will process your information. Once we have obtained this information from the third party it will be covered by our Privacy Notice as well as by the originating third party.


  • Information we get from your use of our website and services

We collect information about the services you use and how you use them, like when you watch a video on YouTube, visit our website or view and interact with our adverts and content.


  • Information in the public domain

We may obtain some information from publicly available sources such as Companies House, newspaper articles or open postings on social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn


3. What information do we collect?

The types of personal information that Fideliter Trust collects may include:


  • Your title, name, gender, date of birth, year or years you finished education at,  attended or were involved or associated with Woodridge College and Preparatory school as well as the nature of that involvement.;

  • Your contact details (address, email, phone number and social media contact details);

  • Family and spouse/partner details, relationships to other supporters;

  • Your professional activities and employment details;

  • Current interests and activities;

  • Gift aid status and records of donations;

  • Contact preferences;

  • Information about your wealth;

  • Media articles about you;

  • Your IP address, location, browser type and information on how you interact on our website;

  • Your bank or credit card details in line with payment card industry standards; and,

  • Any other information provided by yourself at the request of Fideliter Trust


Where appropriate we may also ask your interests and motivation for supporting  Fideliter Trust, although we will never make this question mandatory, and only want to know the answer if you are comfortable providing us with that information. 


In some limited circumstances, the personal information that  Fideliter Trust collects may include information that is considered 'sensitive data'. This may include personal information regarding racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious beliefs, health and also information concerning criminal offences. Where this information is collected we will tell you so you know why it is needed. 


If you are under 13 you should ask permission of a parent or guardian before sending personal or sensitive information to anyone online.


4. What might we do with your information?


If you have applied for a bursary through Fideliter Trust, we will use your information to run, fund, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the bursary.


If you support us, for example by making a donation, volunteering, registering to fundraise, or signing up for an event, we will mainly use your information to:


  • Provide you with the services, products or information that you asked for;

  • Provide you information about other services, products or information we think might interest you where you have consented to being contacted;

  • Administer your donation or support your fundraising, including processing Gift Aid;

  • Send you surveys, and for market research;

  • Invite you to events;

  • Keep a record of your relationship with us and record the contact we have with you; and

  • Ensure we know how you prefer to be contacted.


We use tracking tools to improve the effectiveness of our communications with you, including tracking whether you open emails we send you and which links you click within a message. 


5. Legal basis for processing information


Under the UK GDPR and the DPA, we must have a legal reason to collect, keep and use your data. We rely on the following legal basis for processing your data: 


a. Consent 

b. Legitimate Interests 


We process your personal data for our legitimate interests to allow us to run Fideliter Trust as a charitable entity effectively and in pursuit of our objectives. When we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we make sure to consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights under data protection laws. We will always ensure that your personal data will not be used where our interests are overridden by the impact on you. 


The following are some examples of instances where we process your data for our legitimate interest:


  • Direct marketing: We may send postal marketing and fundraising requests which further the aims and objectives of Fideliter Trust and don’t unduly impact the rights of the individual.

  • Profiling and analysing information: We carry out limited profiling and research to help us understand our donors and potential donors, including gathering information from publicly available resources to give an insight into philanthropic interests and ability to support Fideliter Trust. (See below for more details).


Profiling and analysing information of our supporters


  • In order to tailor what type and level of support we ask you for, we may analyse personal information we collect about you including how you have engaged with us previously, demographic information, measures of affluence, philanthropic interests and networks.

  • We may also use information in the public domain, for example listed Directorships or typical earnings in a given area.

  • In some instances, we may use third party wealth screening companies or insight companies to provide us with general information about you. (please refer to section 6 for further information on data shared with third parties).

You can opt out of your data being used for profiling and wealth screening techniques by contacting us.


6. How we update your information


We review records of our supporters and volunteers to ensure your data is as accurate as possible and always appreciate it if you let us know if your contact details change. Where possible we use publicly available sources to keep your records up to date for example, the Post Office’s National Change of Address database, or information provided to us by other organisations as described in Section 1. It is important that we keep your personal data as up to date as possible so that we can cross reference your information with the Mail and Telephone Preference Services.


7. Who we share your information with


We are committed to protecting your data and therefore it will never be sold to external organisations and will only be disclosed to those acting as agents and data processors carrying out work on our behalf. 


8. How to access, correct or delete your information

Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact us


To help us locate any personal information about you (or in case we need to get in touch with you to obtain further information to help us locate your records) please include your full name, address and telephone number with your request.

If you do not want to receive any further information about Fideliter Trust and would like us to remove your name from our mailing list, use the unsubscribe link in the email you have received.  You can also contact us


9. How we keep your data safe


We aim to ensure that there are appropriate, physical, technical and managerial controls in place to protect any personal information you may provide to us, for example our online forms are always encrypted. 


Where we use external companies to collect or process data on our behalf, we carry out comprehensive checks on them before we work with them and ensure that contracts are in place that set out our expectations and requirements. We may need to transfer your personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) to allow them to perform services on our behalf (for example invitation or participation in an event outside of the EEA in support of Fideliter Trust). In doing so your data may be stored or processed outside of the EEA. Where this happens, we will endeavour to ensure that your data is being processed in accordance with the appropriate security requirements in line with our legal responsibilities, and by submitting your details in such circumstances you agree to this transfer.


Despite all of our precautions no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. So, whilst we will always strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information which you disclose to us and so wish to draw your attention that you do so at your own risk.


10. How long we store your data for


We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity. If you request that we stop sending you marketing materials we will keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request not to be contacted by us, we won’t keep any information that we don’t need.


11. Changes to this notice


This Privacy Notice was last updated in March 2024


12. Contact us


If you have any queries about this Notice or any complaints with regard to the administration of the Privacy Notice please contact us.


13. Further information


The laws governing how your personal data can be used are:


  • General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (UK GDPR)

  • Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)

  • The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR)

We also follow the best practice code set out by the Fundraising Regulator: Code of Fundraising Practice.


You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at to find out more or report a concern. The ICO is UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. We work with them to make sure that we collect, store, and use your information appropriately and not do anything you would not reasonably expect us to do with your data.

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