Roger Carter Clubhouse
Why does Woodridge need a new clubhouse?
The loss of the Woodpecker in the fire of 2017 is felt keenly by generations of Old Woodridgeans. This project will bring back a place to share a drink, laugh and make memories – a space to be enjoyed by past pupils, parents, friends of the school and the community.
The project will provide a replacement Woodpecker pub, along with boardroom facilities as well as a museum and archives. It certainly will enhance the Noël Westcott Grandstand and give us something to be justly proud of.
How you can support the Roger Carter Clubhouse
You can donate to the Roger Carter Clubhouse through any of the following mentioned below.
The Fideliter Trust Board of Trustees will determine where money is needed the most and allocate funds to various projects based on need at the time. You can donate from our website or you can donate via BACS.
Account name: Fideliter Trust
Sort code: 40-35-34
Account number: 64389506
If you are a UK tax payer, and would like us to claim Gift Aid - at no extra cost to you, please complete the Gift Aid Form after you have made your donation. If you make a donation via BACS, please include your name and 'General Donation' in the reference.
An opportunity to have your donation recognised on the wall in the clubhouse. You can donate £2,000 via BACS to secure a plaque.
Account name: Fideliter Trust
Sort code: 40-35-34
Account number: 64389506
If you are a UK tax payer, and would like us to claim Gift Aid - at no extra cost to you, please complete the Gift Aid Form after you have made your donation.
When you make this donation via BACS, please include your name and 'Clubhouse Plaque' in the reference